The physical nature of particle mass. Relativistic mechanics based on accelerated motions by inertia


  • Valentine Oleinik


physical nature of the particle mass in mechanics, differential equation for mass, dependence of mass on the state of motion, proper and forced motions of matter, accelerated inertial motions (AIM) as a cause of mass inconstancy, relativistic mechanics based on AIM, inseparable connection of AIM with space-time, the bounded region of applicability of the principle of least action


The paper is devoted to solving the central problem of physics — the problem of motion. The physical nature of particle mass is revealed from the point of view of mechanics. A differential equation for the particle mass m is obtained, which determines the dependence of the mass on the motion velocity v: m=m(v). The particle is con-sidered as the simplest structural element of moving matter, capable of its own accelerated motions in the ab-sence of external fields acting on the particle. These motions are responsible for the formation of the de-pendence of mass on velocity. The equation for the particle mass follows from the condition of stable development of moving matter. The dependence m=m(v) is investigated both for a nonrelativistic particle and for a relativistic particle. According to the results obtained, the equation for the mass of relativistic particle differs significantly from the corresponding equation describing nonrelativistic particle. This is explained by the fact that the process of mass formation of particle proceeds differently when moving in Euclidean space and in 4-dimensional space-time. When relativistic particle moves by inertia, i.e. in the absence of external fields, the particle's connection with the space-time in which the motion occurs is significant. Due to this connection, the particle has a rest energy, which manifests itself in the formation of the dependence of mass on velocity. There are two types of accelerated motions of matter — forced motions (FM) and proper motions (PM) of the structural elements of matter (particles). The difference between them is that FM are performed under the action of external forces, i.e. are a consequence of the action of external forces causing acceleration, and PM, being an attribute of matter, do not have a reason for their appearance in the form of a force acting on the particle. A force acts on the particle that performs PM (we call it the force of inertia), but it is a consequence of accelerated PM, and not their cause. At present, the principle of least action (PLA) is widely used in theoretical studies. The analysis shows that the PLA has a limited range of applicability: it describes only FM, i.e. motions that occur under the action of an ex-ternal force, which is their cause. An attempt to apply the PLA to the proper motions of matter leads to motions of free particles that are incapable of anything other than a simple displacement in space with a constant velocity, i.e. to the motions of particles of dead matter. We emphasize that the real motions of particles by inertia, occurring in nature, are accelerated PM. The first to point out the motions of bodies by inertia as accelerated motions was Galileo Galilei who argued that the inertial motion is a uniform circular motion, for example, the motion of the Earth around the Sun [1,2]. Proper motions are primary, because they are an attribute of matter, and forced motions, being a consequence of the action of external fields, are secondary. Proper motions play a fundamental role in nature. They generate forces of inertia that form force fields, with the help of which matter observes the motions of its structural com-ponents, controls them, organizing and directing them to create new structures. It is these motions that are re-sponsible for the self-organization of matter, namely they generate consciousness and thinking. Thanks to its proper motions, matter generates the laws of nature, which each time bring to the amazement of the person who reveals them.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2018). The physical nature of particle mass. Relativistic mechanics based on accelerated motions by inertia. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 18(1-2), 15–37. Retrieved from




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