Mass of relativistic particle as a function of states of motion. Physical properties of accelerated motions by inertia


  • Valentine Oleinik


physical nature of particle mass, proper and forced motions, accelerated motions by inertia (AMI), mass as a function of motion states, equation for mass, special theory of relativity (STR), incompleteness of mechanics, physical properties of space-time, dynamic principle for proper motions


The work is the completion of a series of articles devoted to the study of accelerated motions by inertia [1-15]. The main research results: the physical nature of accelerated motions by inertia (AMI) and particle masses is revealed; it is shown that they play leading roles in the play, which is called the stable development of matter; the cause of the difficulties that physics is now experiencing is established, and the right way to overcome them is found. The disclosure of the physical nature of AMI and the particle mass made it possible to establish the cause of a deep crisis of physical science. P.A.M. Dirac, one of the creators of quantum electrodynamics (QED), drew at-tention to the existence of a crisis in physics in the middle of the last century [16], [17] (p. 403). He argued that the basic equations of electrodynamics were incorrect, but did not explain the reason for the difficulties of QED. The reason is the incompleteness of the special theory of relativity (STR), which forms the foundation of QED. The incompleteness of STR is expressed in the fact that STR considers only forced accelerated motions and it is assumed that the particle mass is a constant parameter. AMI fell out of the field of view of SRT, although these movements of particles play an extremely important role in the development of matter. AMI are an attribute of matter, they occur with the acceleration of particles, but do not lead to energy loss of particles. AMI form such a functional dependence of the mass of particles on velocities and coordinates of particles, which ensures the sta-ble development of matter. AMI generate force fields with the help of which the interaction between particles occurs. It was shown that the particle mass depends not only on the particle velocity modulus, as it was assumed in pre-vious works, but also on the particle’s position in space, i.e. mass is a function of motion states. The existence of dependence of the particle mass on the position of the particle in space is of great importance for the evolution of matter, since the possibilities of matter to organize the stable development of its structural elements are ex-tremely expanded. The mass equation is derived from the energy conservation condition. It is a second-order partial differential equation. In the particular case, when the mass of the particle does not depend on the posi-tion of the particle in space, this equation transforms into an ordinary differential equation of the second order, obtained and studied in [14, 15]. The equation for the particle mass acts as a kind of dynamic principle for the proper motions of the particle. In physical content, the equation for mass is significantly different from the equations of forced motions. If the equation for mass serves to determine mass as a function of the state of motion of the particle, the equations of motion determine the development in time of the state of motion itself. The physical properties of accelerated motions by inertia are investigated, and proper and forced motions, which are dialectical opposites, are compared. There is a qualitative difference between the forces acting on a particle in forced and in its proper motions: in a forced motion, the force is the cause of acceleration, and its proper motions are the result of acceleration. A change in the mass of a particle with a change in the position of a particle in space causes the heterogeneity and non-isotropy of space and the heterogeneity of time. A new approach is formulated in relativistic mechanics, in which there are no difficulties with the incom-pleteness of the theory inherent to STR. Unlike STR, in the formulation of mechanics developed here, both proper motions of particles and forced ones are taken into account; not the motions of free, bare particles that do not exist in nature, but accelerated motions by inertia (AMI) — the motions of real, physical particles are considered as motions by inertia; the assumption that the particle mass is a constant parameter is not used; mass acts as a function of the state of motion; the functional dependence of the particle mass on the coordi-nates and velocities is formed by AMI and is determined by the equation for the mass, which guarantees the conservation of particle energy (in the absence of external field). Based on the results obtained, the following conclusion can be formulated. The reason for the crisis of physics is STR, which is the basis of electrodynamics. STR is an abstract mathematical scheme, which due to its in-completeness cannot describe physical reality. Matter, as a self-organizing, self-governing, thinking entity, pre-fers to develop in a completely different way than STR prescribes for it. The work is an extension and continua-tion of studies [22, 23] in the field of quantum electrodynamics.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2019). Mass of relativistic particle as a function of states of motion. Physical properties of accelerated motions by inertia. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 19(1-2), 29–45. Retrieved from




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