The quasars allocation in the Universe and cosmological models


  • N. Zhuck
  • V. Moroz
  • A. Varaksin


quasars, cosmology, Universe


The database of 23760 quasars was used for investigation, in which the two angular coordinates (?, ?) and the redshift of radiation spectrum (z) for each quasar are submitted. The distance up to quasars was determined by the new formula r = R0ln(1+z), obtained from property of diminution of frequency of electromagnetic waves under their energy dissipation in the ether. As a result of investigations the earlier unknown regularity in quasars allocation was found. It proves that the quasars are grouped in thin walls of meshes with the medial size about 50–100 megaparsecs which fill homogeneously the whole apparent part of the Universe like a foam. The obtained results are coordinated with allocation of galaxies and the new stationary model of the Universe designed earlier by one of the co-authors.


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How to Cite

Zhuck, N., Moroz, V., & Varaksin, A. (2003). The quasars allocation in the Universe and cosmological models. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 3(4), 29–40. Retrieved from




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