Microwave background of space as the total radiation of all stars


  • N. Zhuck


background radiation, red shift, Habble diagram, radiation spectrum


It is shown that the microwave background radiation of space can be the total radiation of all stars of the stationary Universe under the presence of a dimensional dissipation of energy of electromagnetic waves. The formula for this radiation temperature is obtained, the blackbody character of its spectrum and compatibility of the law of spreading of electromagnetic waves with the diagram of Hubble are shown. The quantitative rates total radiation are reduced and their conformity to the characteristics of a substantially observable microwave background radiation is shown.


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2. Жук Н. А. Космология. — Харьков: ООО «Модель Вселенной», 2000, 464 с.

3. Karlsson K. G. Possible discretization of quasar redshifts. // Astron. and Astrophys., 1971, v. 13, p. 333-335.



How to Cite

Zhuck, N. (2001). Microwave background of space as the total radiation of all stars. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 1(1), 62–67. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/240




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