New stationary model of the Universe


  • N. Zhuck


stationary Universe, background radiation, red shift, spectrum of radiation


This article is a review. Universe has been described as homogeneous and plane with Euclid geometry. It allows to choose the Einstein equations with the cosmological constant, to close the system of equations, to transform it into a field form and to reduce. On that base a stationary model of the Universe is developed, and the amendments to the main physical laws are obtained, which are responsible for a global gravitational interrelation of all natural phenomena. It is shown, that the red shift is a result of such interrelation and the microwave background radiation is a balanced radiation from all objects in the Universe. Identity of an inertial and gravitational mass is proved. It is revealed the new properties of the Universe, which are called gravitational viscosity and geodesic curvature of the Universe, also the shield properties of matter. Compatibility of the given results with the observing natural phenomena is shown.


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How to Cite

Zhuck, N. (2001). New stationary model of the Universe. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 1(2), 55–64. Retrieved from




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