The Dirac problem, part 2. Electromagnetic interaction as a direct consequence of the laws of mechanics


  • Valentine Oleinik


Dirac problem, electromagnetic interaction as a result of the laws of mechanics, curvilinear motion by inertia, induced electric and magnetic charges, potential component of magnetic field


It is shown that electromagnetic interaction is not a special kind of interaction between material particles. Electromagnetic field equations are obtained as a direct consequence of the laws of mechanics. They are derived from consideration of the curvilinear motion of a classical particle by inertia, without resorting to the hypothesis of the existence of electrical charges that can generate the Coulomb field. At the specified motion, both the electric and magnetic charges are induced by particle. The peculiarity of the induced charges is that they are not localized on the particle generating electromagnetic field, but are «smeared out» in the space region in which the particle motion by inertia takes place. The presence of the induced magnetic charge means that the magnetic field generated by moving particle contains the unusual scalar (potential) component, in addition to the usual vortex one. The existence of scalar component of the magnetic field was first discovered by G. V. Nikolaev [1-3]. According to his results, taking into account the scalar component of the magnetic field allows one to remove a lot of difficulties of standard electrodynamics and to explain a number of experimental facts that can not be explained, while remaining within the rooted ideas of electrodynamics.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2014). The Dirac problem, part 2. Electromagnetic interaction as a direct consequence of the laws of mechanics. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 14(4), 5–23. Retrieved from




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