On the physical nature of rotational motion


  • Valentine Oleinik


physical nature of rotational motion, ethereal medium, ethereal medium quantum, virtual particle, power (ethereal) cord, ethereal matter, ethereal medium materialization, substance dematerialization, open system, active thermal machine


The physical nature of rotational motion of material bodies is uncovered. The following results are obtained:
1. When classical particle moves on a curvilinear trajectory by inertia, an interaction of the particle with sur-rounding space is generated. As a consequence the particle turns to an open non-local system occupying the whole space: it consists of an area of basic localization the linear dimensions of which are determined by the radius of curvature of particle trajectory, and a tail extending from the area of basic localization to infinity.
2. There are quantum states of classical particle, representing a superposition of states of the classical particle and its images — virtual particles. The particle and its images are bound together by a power cord to form a stable spatial structure, which is similar to the excited states of quantum particle considered in standard quantum mechanics.
3. The physical mechanism of interaction between classical particle and space lies in the fact that when the particle moves on a curvilinear trajectory by inertia, a specific physical medium — an ethereal medium having quantum structure is generated. It is important to note that the ethereal medium is not introduced into the theory as a hypothetical medium, which is arbitrarily endowed with some physical properties to suit the researcher; it appears with necessity as a consequence of the particle motion by inertia and all its properties are defined by this motion.
4. The particle is enveloped by a cloud of virtual particles forming the quantized ethereal medium. The interac-tion of particle with the surrounding space is carried out through the exchange of the energy and momentum quanta between the particle and the ethereal medium. The physical characteristics of elementary excitations of the ethereal medium (etherons) are defined. The region of the energy spectrum of etherons corresponding to the processes of transformation of classical particles in the ethereal medium and to the reverse process — the transformation of the ethereal medium in ordinary matter is found.
5. In the energy spectrum of etherons, there is a critical point at which the complete transformation of the classi-cal particle in the ethereal medium takes place. The dematerialization of classical particle does not at all mean that the matter disappears, it represents the conversion of ordinary matter in the latent (hidden) state — an ethereal matter. The processes of materialization of ethereal medium and dematerialization of matter are natural analogues and generalizations of the quantum-electrodynamical processes of annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs with the formation of photons and the reverse processes — the processes of particle-antiparticle pairs’ creation by electromagnetic quanta in the field of mechanics.
In this work, in fact, the formulation of mechanics of open systems is given. It introduces the fundamentally new physical notions of the motion of material bodies by inertia into classical mechanics. The need for a radical revision of Newtonian mechanics is due to the existence of such physical features of rotational motion investigated here which dropped so far out of sight of researchers.
A simple qualitative explanation of some observable astronomical phenomena, whose nature cannot be understood in the framework of conventional physical concepts, is given. The case in point is that the position of the Sun and specific solar-planetary configurations can significantly affect the course of some of the physical processes occurring on the Earth.
The understanding of the physical nature of rotational motion and the disclosure of secrets of the origin of the ethereal medium open up broad prospects for the creation of qualitatively new, non-polluting energy sources, communication systems and transport, using quantum processes of mutual transformation of ethereal medium and substance.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2012). On the physical nature of rotational motion. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 12(1), 17–54. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/127




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