The physical nature of the phenomenon of curvilinear motion by inertia
curvilinear inertia, vibrational motion by inertia, quantum transitions of classical particle, self-organizing system, anti-gravity, gravity controlAbstract
The physical nature and the physical mechanism of the phenomenon of curvilinear motion of classical particle by inertia is revealed. It is shown that the classical particle, freed from the constraints imposed in Newtonian scheme of mechanics on particle’s motion by inertia and on particle’s mass, is an open self-organizing system. The first of the above restrictions follows from the conventional idea that the uniform rectilinear motion of the body not subjected to the action of external forces is the only possible motion by inertia existing in nature. However, the study of the problem of motion [2–12] shows that there is an uncountable set of curvilinear motions by inertia, which are dialectical opposites in relation to forced accelerated motions. Research methods, excluding from consideration the accelerated motions by inertia, lead, obviously, to knowingly incomplete and distorted picture of physical reality. The second restriction concerns the particle mass: it is assumed that the mass of classical particle is an unchanged, conserving in time physical characteristics of the particle. As can be seen from the analysis of the problem, the requirement that the particle’s mass must be constant leads to severe limitations on the accelerated motions of particles by inertia, which are inconsistent with the basic laws of nature — the laws of dialectics. It should be emphasized that these restrictions are no more than hypotheses; their use is not justified, because they have never been tested for their compliance with other principles of mechanics and for their consistency with experience. This paper contains the formulation of foundations of mechanics free from the restrictions mentioned above. In a series of papers [13–20], the problem of self-organization of matter was investigated in detail on the basis of quantum electrodynamics. As a mechanism of self-organization of electron, the self-interaction was considered — the opposite effect of the Coulomb field created by charged particle on the same particle. From the fact that the Coulomb law is not a fundamental law of physics [10–12] and from the new results presented in this paper, it follows that, although the mechanism of self-organization considered in [13–20] catches, apparently, some features of the phenomenon, it is only a rough approximation to the true mechanism of self-organization. The new results suggest that the capacity of matter for self-organization, being an inherent property of matter, arises at the simplest level of matter development and can be explained in terms of mechanics, without the use of phenomenology in the form of electric charges and the Coulomb field. In this paper, we study the behaviour and the physical features of classical particle with variable mass moving by inertia with acceleration. It is shown that the physical environment generated by the classical particle consists of two components — the continuous (classical) component and quantum component, which arises as a result of quantum jumps of the particle from one state of curvilinear inertia to another. The vibrational states of inertial motion of classical particle are built. The particle oscillating by inertia is shown to have the mass defect, the magnitude of which is of the order of the mass of the particle rotating by inertia. From this it follows that the conversion of the rotational motion by inertia to the vibrational one can be very effective method for producing high mass defect [21–23]. The particle-oscillator quantum transitions, in which the energy of classical particle is converted into the energy of environment generated by it, are indicated. The results of the work indicate that ignoring the laws of dialectics is the main cause of the current crisis in the physical sciences. Physics, freed from the heavy shackles in the form of severe restrictions on the motion of matter, will be a powerful stimulus to technological progress. It will provide an unprecedented flowering of our civilization, transferring it to a qualitatively new level of development. The practical significance of these results is that they give a method for studying the nature, adequate to it, and open the way to solve a number of important tasks related to the energy problem, the gravity control, the creation of antigravity engines, the superluminal communication, the control of the passage of time [21–28].
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