Energy problem. Atom as an inexhaustible source of ecologically pure energy


  • Valentine Oleinik
  • Prokofiev V. P.


energy problem, ecologically pure energy source, energy spectrum of hydrogen atom, motion of nucleus in atom, quantum transitions, mass defect, active and passive thermal machines, superfluous energy


The fundamentally new approach to the power problem is put forward based on the excitation of electronic quantum transitions in atom responsible for the increase in mass defect of atom. The consecutive quantum theory of hydrogen atom as a system of two particles interacting with each other — electron and proton is constructed on the basis of Dirac’s model of electron. The motion of nucleus in the hydrogen atom is shown to essentially affect the physical properties of atom. The en-ergy spectrum of the atom contains two regions of bound states of electron and nucleus separated from each other by energy of the order of 2m2c2 (m2 is the mass of proton, c is the velocity of light). As a consequence, there exist such states of the atom in which the mass defect of atom reaches the value of 2m1 (m1 is the mass of electron). The existence of quantum states of atom with abnormally high mass defect and the ability of atom to make transitions from states with smaller value of mass defect to states with greater value open the prospect of creation of active thermal machines (TM) producing superfluous energy, i.e. transforming the energy of environment to active form. From the conceptual point of view, the idea of production of superfluous energy in active TM does not differ from the physical idea which is carried out in the thoroughly studied reactions of thermonuclear synthesis. In both cases, the question is the organization and maintenance in a system of interacting particles of physical processes in which the state of system changes in such a manner that the mass defect of sys-tem eventually increases in comparison with mass defect in initial state. Distinction between active TM and thermonuclear reactor consists only in the fact that physical processes of various types are used in them: in the first case — electronic processes in atoms, and in the second one — the processes going on at collision of nucleons and nuclei. The fact that both phenomena — the produc-tion of superfluous energy in active TM and the energy liberation in reaction of thermonuclear synthe-sis — are of the same physical nature and are described by the same parameter — mass defect means that production of superfluous energy is as real as thermonuclear synthesis. As the energy liberation in active TM occurs due to electronic processes in atoms instead of synthesis or splitting of atomic nu-clei, active TM will be ecologically pure energy sources. As fuel for active thermal machine, any substance can serve, the atoms of which can be in states with various values of mass defect. The re-sults of the present work do not contradict the laws of thermodynamics. The principles of action of TM described in textbooks on thermodynamics refer only to such TM which are isolated from envi-ronment (such TM can be naturally referred to as passive). The idea that it is impossible to trans-form energy of environment to active form, deeply rooted in consciousness, is the deepest and tragic delusion of the last century resulted in the orientation of economy of the planet exclusively towards passive TM. Consequences are known: research on the transformation of environment energy to active form (N.Tesla, K.E.Tsiolkovsky, P.K.Oshchepkov, etc.) have been blocked and declared as pseudo science, and the mankind appeared on the verge of ecological catastrophe by the end of the century. The real way toward resolving power problem, as is evident from the results of the paper, passes through the research directed towards the creation of active thermal machines — qualitatively new ecologically pure energy sources.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V., & P., P. V. (2007). Energy problem. Atom as an inexhaustible source of ecologically pure energy. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 7(2), 28–59. Retrieved from




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