The physical processes in the special theory of relativity


  • Rudolf Beltzov


physical vacuum, boson, hadron, virtual excitation of the electromagnetic field, electron-positron pair


Special theory of relativity of particle 4-impulce related to its interaction with virtual supersymmetric 2(е-е+) particles of Bose-Einstein condensate of physical vacuum. It is shown, that at the de Broglie wave length of moving particle : cm, where — is length of physical vacuum electron-positron virtual particles coherentness. Thus on a particle appears a Josephson transition with verticals structures. Relative transformation of 4-impulse of particle are related to their motion. Thus a minimum of excitation of the electromagnetic field in a physical vacuum takes place at: , where D, В are electric and magnetic polarization of physical vacuum.


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How to Cite

Beltzov, R. (2013). The physical processes in the special theory of relativity. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(3), 58–61. Retrieved from




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