On the physical processes in the formation of nucleons


  • Rudolf Beltzov


physical vacuum, quark, roton, confinement


In the theory of strong interaction at nucleons formation enter the maximum photons impulse. We enter a structural factor of physical vacuum electron-positron particles-antiparticles and curvature impulse. Nucleons formation is the phase transition of the excited particles-antiparticles to quarks, those are the rotons with the changed chemical potential. Energy of appearing quarks minimizes excitation of the physical vacuum electron-positrons field. First in theoretical physics adorns confinement was grounded, that is related with adorns size da?(1–2) fm, that less then electron-positron particles-antiparticles coherentness linear length ?0 =3,86·10-11сm. Curvature of quarks-rotons local metrical tensors determines the adorns gravity potential.


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How to Cite

Beltzov, R. (2012). On the physical processes in the formation of nucleons. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 12(3), 55–59. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/110




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