Strategically Control of Chaos and Inverse Problems


  • V. Gritsak-Groener
  • Juliya Gritsak-Groener


chaos, chaotic, algorithm


We introduced the notions control of chaotics, i.e. control the finite chaos structure. Further we introduce the notion control strategy. In section 2 review some of the standard facts on control for chaotics. In section 3 have complied some basic facts of chaos flows control with penalty function. Section 4 is devoted to the study of control strategy against external controller and antiterrorist control strategy. Let us the groundset A ? ??? to the case under discussion in section 5. In section 6 we gave the direct algorithm оf single-center infection on ??? with the ramified boundary of the ground-set A ? ???. Finally in section 7 we gave inverse algorithm for computational disaster advances(DA)оf single-center infection on ??? with the ramified boundary of the ground-set A ? ???. Also we designed and developed a set of algorithms for construction of the arbitrary and concrete chaotic set that can efficiently be used in evaluations of the propagations autooscillatory geotectonic waves.


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How to Cite

Gritsak-Groener, V., & Gritsak-Groener, J. (2013). Strategically Control of Chaos and Inverse Problems. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(3), 40–50. Retrieved from




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