On the possibility of existence of zones with the abnormal course of time


  • Oleksandr Nikolenko


time theory, an abnormal course of time, change of rates of a current of time, management of time current


Possibility of real existence of local stationary Zones on a surface of the Earth with the changed course of time is considered. It is shown, that the assumption about existence of such Zones involves checked physical consequences. The relativity principle in temporal formulation is formulated. Possibilities of modelling of Zones with the changed course of time are considered. It is noticed, that change of a course of time can be described as time scale transformation. Two versions of occurrence of Zones — as physical phenomena and as psychophysiological phenomena are considered. Episodes, according to authors connected with the changed course of time are considered. It is shown, that existence of local stationary areas of space with the changed course of time in considered episodes contradicts existing physical concepts of space-time. It is shown, that their descriptions answer a psychophysiological phenomenon and do not keep within the assumption of possibility of real physical change of a course of time.


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How to Cite

Nikolenko, O. (2013). On the possibility of existence of zones with the abnormal course of time. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(1), 36–51. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/73




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