Introduction to experimental and practical temporology
theory of relativity, time current, management of time current, experimental and practical temporology, the experimental physics.Abstract
Necessity and urgency of formation of a new scientific direction — Experimental and Practical Temporology is proved. Existing fundamental theory in Physics does not explain the cause of the monotonic increase of time coordinate in all of the massive physical objects. This and other issues related to the concept of time are the subject of an emerging scientific discipline — Theoretical Temporology — i.e. the study of time. At the same time, experimental data on the characteristics of the time flow was accumulated in various branches of Physics. In a number of areas theoretical research moved on to a practical level, particularly in the constructing of the accelerating systems in experimental Physics. Characteristics of time flow are taken into account in construction of the space-based global navigation systems. Thereby we now have the possibility to generalize this material within general research, and that will allow analyzing it under common scientific grounds. The foundation of experimental research in this area will have a positive impact on the planning and conducting of new experiments on time flow and its practical usage and will be the foundation for construction and experimental testing of the developing theories on time flow.
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