Accelerated movements by inertia and the physical properties of the space-time provided by them


  • Valentine Oleinik


physical nature of particle mass, differential equation for mass, mass dependence on velocity, proper and forced motions, accelerated inertia motions, physical properties of space-time gener-ated by accelerated inertia motions, physical mechanism of inertia accelerated motion, energy and momentum rest of a particle whose mass depends on speed


The work is devoted to the study of the proper motions (PM) of material particles. PM are an attribute of matter, i.e. inherent property of matter, intrinsic to it by the very nature of things. PM are characterized by the fact that their source is matter, but for them there are no equations of motion similar to those that govern forced motions (FM) — motions that occur un-der the influence of external fields. A special role among proper motions is played by accelerat-ed motions by inertia (AMI): they form such a dependence of the particle mass on the velocity, which ensures the stable development of matter. These motions of the particles occur with ac-celeration, the particles are influenced by inertia forces that do not work on the particles, the en-ergy and modulus of the particle momentum are conserved. To describe physical phenomena and processes, it is customary to use inertial reference systems (IRS), which are determined from the condition that the inertia principle is fulfilled in them: a free particle, i.e. a particle not exposed to external forces, rests or moves uniformly and straightforwardly. It should be emphasized, however, that the concept of a free particle is only an abstraction, very far from reality. Free particles do not exist in nature; a real, physical particle moves continuously, moving from one state of motion to another, and these transitions occur spontaneously, without the participation of any external forces, and can occur with particle ac-celeration. To correctly describe the PM, it is necessary to construct a model of particle motion by inertia, which is qualitatively different from the model of free particles. As real movements by inertia in the work, AMIs are used, which ensure the sustainable development of matter. At present, the principle of least action (PLA) is used as the main method for studying mechanical processes. However, the PLA has a limited area of applicability: the condition for its applicability is the presence of an external force causing the evolution of the system under con-sideration in time. Consequently, the PLA can only describe forced motions and is not able to correctly describe its proper motions, since there are no external forces generating these motions. AMI belong to the number of proper motions, and therefore it is impossible to investigate them with the help of PLA. This circumstance cannot serve as a hindrance to the detailed analysis of one's proper motions. As shown in this paper, a sufficiently complete description of proper mo-tions can be obtained using relations that relate the change in particle energy to work done by inertia forces acting on particles. The study shows that if a particle moves with acceleration by inertia in IRF K, then from the point of view of an observer located in IRF K', moving relative to K, the movement of the particle is not AMI. This means that the transition from IRF K to IRF K' knocks the particle out of the state of AMI, i.e. moving relative to each other IRF are unequal. For a correct description of physical phenomena and processes, it is necessary to use such reference frames in which AMI act as inertia motions. Reference frames of this kind differ significantly from standard IRF; in the future, such reference frames will be called physical inertial reference frames (FIRF). It is obvious that transitions from one FIRF to another, moving relative to the original, cannot be de-scribed by the Lorentz transformations. Transformations of space-time coordinates are obtained in the work, which, when mov-ing from one reference frame to another, retain AMI. Using these transformations, we calculated squares of space-time intervals between two infinitely close points in the reference frames K and K'. It can be seen from the formulas obtained that the space-time, in which the accelerated mo-tion of a particle occurs by inertia, is a non-uniform pseudo-Euclidean 4-space, possessing both spatial and temporal non-uniformity. The proper motion of particles, thus, significantly affects space-time, giving it physical properties. Accelerated inertial movements of the structural elements of matter are the breathing of material particles, which is transmitted to the entire space-time, causing its non-uniformity and turning the particle's own time into a quantity depending not only on speed, but also on the posi-tion of the particle in 4-space. Proper movements lead to the appearance of a connection be-tween a particle and the space-time in which movement occurs. Due to the existence of this connection, the particle acquires rest energy and rest momentum, which are the result of the de-pendence of the particle mass on the speed of movement. On the basis of the results obtained in the work, it can be concluded that the most im-portant task of basic research in the field of physics is the discovery of the physical mechanisms of the processes occurring in nature, which ensure the self-organization and self-government of matter, the development of matter along an ascending line.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2024). Accelerated movements by inertia and the physical properties of the space-time provided by them. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 18(3-4), 22–38. Retrieved from




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