The modern space and time notions and the Lorentz transformations limitations


  • N. Zhuck


space-time, Lorentz transformations, Special Theory of Relativity


The modern analysis of space and time concepts is given. It is shown that their deformation under the material bodies motion regarding each other has interrelated character, and the Lorentz transformation laws describe this deformation correctly only in the cross plane in respect to the motion direction. The author offers the group of the coordinates affine transformations in absolute symmetric 6-dimensional space-time, which maintains the light cone equation without change and describes this deformation correctly instead of Lorentz transformation laws. The author uses this transformation group successfully since 1984, what puts the problem of the generalization of the Lorentz transformation laws and the Einstein Special Theory of Relativity.


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How to Cite

Zhuck, N. (2004). The modern space and time notions and the Lorentz transformations limitations. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 4(3), 34–41. Retrieved from




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