The Space-Time Continuum and Motion of the Time


  • Oleksandr Nikolenko


Special Relativity, Space-Time Continuum, the Velocity of Time, the Velocity of Light


We formulated the description of the Space-Time Continuum that differs from Minkowski Space-Time, and simultaneously is in one-to-one correspondence with it. The model of time motion within the frames of such continuum description was worked out. Based on that model, the concept of Temporal Velocity (Velocity of Time) was introduced, differing from the concept of time speed (motion) that is used in Special Relativity theory. The role of temporal velocity in Lorenz Transformations was disclosed. It was shown that limitation of spatial velocity of physical processes development is connected with their impossibility to surpass the temporal velocity. It was determined that the velocity of light in the vacuous space reflects the temporal velocity. Obtained results show that a series of fundamental physical correlations and constants related to velocity of light in vacuum turn out to be dependent on temporal velocity.


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How to Cite

Nikolenko, O. (2005). The Space-Time Continuum and Motion of the Time. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 5(1), 51–64. Retrieved from


