The light barrier and the superluminal information transfer


  • Valentine Oleinik


superluminal communication, own field, informational field, vortex field, non-locality, self-organization, self-action


There are no conclusive grounds for the light barrier and for the ban stipulated by it on superluminal signals. Physical laws do not impose any restrictions upon velocity of information transfer. The special theory of relativity imposes a ban merely on the velocity of motion of material bodies and on the energy transfer with velocity greater than that of light in vacuum. The own field of electrically charged particles is shown to be capable of instantaneously transmitting a signal (information) about any changes occurring with particle to arbitrarily great distances. The existence of superluminal signals, transmitted by the own fields of electrically charged particles, rigorously follows from Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic field. Physical mechanism of appearance of superluminal signals is due to the non-local connection between potentials and intensities of electric and magnetic fields. The field of potentials acts as an informational field capable of transmitting information with superluminal speed without transferring energy. In quantum systems, the superluminal signals occur at every step, in any quantum processes. 


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2005). The light barrier and the superluminal information transfer. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 5(2), 20–40. Retrieved from




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