The Dirac problem. Generalization of Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic field
Dirac problem, incompleteness of Maxwell’s electrodynamics, electric charge, the modified equations of electromagnetic field, curvilinear motions by inertiaAbstract
The Dirac problem is to answer the question, what is the cause of serious difficulties of electrodynamics and how to eliminate them. The key to solving the problem lies in the analysis of incompleteness of Maxwell's electrodynamics, which is due, in particular, to the fact that electrodynamics is based on the Coulomb law of interaction between electric charges. It is shown that the action of the test charge used for the measurement procedure on the investigated electromagnetic field is not a small perturbation. Consideration this disturbance requires substantial changes in the equations of motion of the field. The modified equations of motion of electromagnetic field are obtained and investigated, taking into account the influence of the test particle on the field. It is shown that the modified field equations contain amendments, the appearance of which indicates the existence of physical effects, dropped out of sight of Maxwell's electrodynamics. Thus, it follows from the modified equations that the vortex electric field is generated not only by the magnetic field varying in time, but also by the magnetic field varying in space. To overcome the difficulties of electrodynamics one has to reveal the physical nature of electric charge, based on curvilinear motions of classical particle by inertia.
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