Law of gravity and curvilinear motion by inertia


  • Valentine Oleinik


accelerated (curvilinear) motions by inertia, internal inconsistency of Newtonian scheme, incompatibility of Coulomb's law with dynamical principle, Cavendish experiments


It is shown that in Newtonian mechanics the law of gravity is not compatible with the equations of motion. The conditions of internal consistency of mechanics are derived, from which it follows that classical particle at rest or moving uniformly and rectilinearly in an inertial frame can’t create any force field in surrounding space. As it is seen from the analysis of the inverse problem of dynamics of two-particle system in the framework of Newtonian mechanics scheme, the classical particles involved can not serve as the material carriers of the force field capable of playing the role of gravitational field. The conventional idea that classical particle of mass generates a gravitational field, which can act on neighboring particles as an external field, is groundless. Theory of gravity based on the Newtonian law of gravity is nothing more than a mathematical scheme that does not disclose the physical mechanism of the gravity phenomenon. The reason is that the accelerated particle motions by inertia, which provide a special kind of self-organization of physical system due to the action of inertia forces on the particles, dropped out of the field of view of classical mechanics. According to generally accepted ideas, the force of interaction between material bodies, recorded in the Cavendish experiments, is the Coulomb force. As can be seen from the results of this work, the Coulomb force considered as an external force, the carrier of which are classical particles, does not exist in nature. The expression for the interaction force between particles of two-particle system in a state of accelerated motion by inertia is obtained. The case when the particle's trajectory is an ellipse with a small eccentricity e is considered. It is shown that this force is different from the Coulomb force by small corrections of the order of e. Mutual attraction of material bodies in the Cavendish experiment is a macroscopic manifestation of the curvilinear motion by inertia of particles composing the material bodies.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2013). Law of gravity and curvilinear motion by inertia. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(4), 11–32. Retrieved from




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