The Dirac problem, part 3. Electromagnetic field and curvilinear motion by inertia. Application to atom model and cold nuclear fusion


  • Valentine Oleinik


Dirac problem, non-equivalence of moving relative to each other inertial reference systems, incompleteness conventional schemes mechanics and electrodynamics, curvilinear motion by inertia induced electric and magnetic charges, qualitatively new model of atom, explanation of cold nuclear fusion phenomena


As is evident from the analysis of the Dirac problem, difficulties of electrodynamics are rooted in the incompleteness of classical mechanics. The elimination of incompleteness of mechanics by including curvilinear motions of classical particles by inertia in the Newtonian scheme of mechanics leads to the need to revise some of the fundamental propositions of theory. As it follows from the condition for stability of accelerated motions of particles by inertia in the transition from one inertial reference frame (IRF) to another, the mass of classical particle is not constant. The mass depends on the particle velocity and changes in passing from one IRF to another. This means that the IRF moving relative to each other are not physically equivalent. The cause of nonequivalence of the IRF is a special physical medium generated by the particle moving by inertia with acceleration. The energy of the medium is distributed differently between rotational and translational degrees of freedom in the IRF moving relative to each other. Nonequivalence of IRF can be registered by experiment. If the system of two particles is in the state of curvilinear motion by inertia, its reduced mass depends on the relative velocity of particles and on the velocity of the center of mass. There are some additional fields , apart from the fields of inertial forces ( ), that act on particles of two-particle system being in the state of curvilinear motion by inertia. The equations of the field generated by the system of two particles moving with acceleration by inertia are obtained, which are similar to Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic field produced by electrically charged particles. On the basis of this analogy, it is natural to regard the fields and as components of a single electromagnetic field generated by particles moving with acceleration by inertia and to call them the electric and magnetic fields. Classical particles moving along curvilinear paths by inertia generate induced electric and magnetic charges. The induced electric charge is significantly different from the electric charge, which is considered in conventional formulation of electrodynamics as an immutable intrinsic property of classical particle inherent in it by the very nature of things. A qualitatively new model of atom is built in which the bound state of classical particles is formed not by Coulomb forces but by inertia forces acting on particles in their accelerated motion by inertia. In the model, the splitting of bound state of two particles is due not to the leakage of one of the particles through the Coulomb potential barrier formed by another particle but to the redistribution of energy of the system between its rotational and translational degrees of freedom and can therefore occur without energy loss. The mechanism of formation of bound state of two particles, caused by the curvilinear motion of parti-cles by inertia, explains the phenomenon of cold nuclear fusion (CNF), which can not be explained within the framework of standard theory because of its incompleteness. This paper is only a milestone in the research on the Dirac problem. The research, theoretical and exper-imental, is just beginning. It will lead to radical changes in all fields of physical science, giving a powerful impe-tus to the development of our civilization [1].


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2015). The Dirac problem, part 3. Electromagnetic field and curvilinear motion by inertia. Application to atom model and cold nuclear fusion. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 15(1), 32–61. Retrieved from




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