New interpretation of relativistic physics


  • Valentine Oleinik


physical nonequivalence of inertial reference frames, superluminal communication, local and global time, the principle of causality, the principle of relativity, relativistic invariance, Lorentz transformations, light barrier


In this paper the results of our long-term research in the field of relativistic physics are summed up. The evidences are presented that the inertial reference frames (IRF), moving relative to each other, are not physically equivalent and, as a consequence, physical interpretation of the special theory of relativity (STR), belonging to Einstein, is erroneous. From the physical point of view, the inequality of rights of IRF moving relative to each other is caused by the fact that the local times entering into Lorentz transformations, which relate IRF to each other, essentially differ from the global times, in terms of which the evolution of physical system in IRF, in accord with dynamic principle, is described. The local time represents the time coordinates of points of 4-space-time — some parameters the change of which has nothing to do with dynamic principle. The global time, unlike local, has deep physical meaning: this is the real, physical time, in which the physical system develops and the observer works, and the moments of which coincide with the readings of the observer’s clock in a fixed IRF. Starting from the relativistic equations of motion, it is shown that the length of a rod, moving in some IRF, does not depend on the speed of the rod and equals its proper length. When passing from one IRF to another, the scale of length changes, along the direction of relative motion of reference frames, in that reference frame, into which the transition is made, in comparison with the initial reference frame. The mere change of the scale of length is an indication of the physical nonequivalence of the IRF moving relative to each other, so Lorentz contraction of length is not real, observable effect. According to the results received, rather strict restrictions imposed by causality principle on the motion of the system of several particles are incompatible with Lorentz transformations. As the result of Lorentz transformations, the solutions of dynamic equations as well as the equations themselves are knocked out of the class, to which initial solutions and equations belong. In view of the physical nonequivalence of IRF, the motion of a physical system relative to some reference frame K, transformed to the reference frame K?, moving relative to K, is not a real motion in K?; it represents only a mapping into K? of the motion which takes place in K. The effect of relativity of physical processes predicted by us is just the one which is caused by the fact that the mapping of physical process into some IRF essentially differs from the real process occurring in this reference frame.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2007). New interpretation of relativistic physics. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 7(4), 32–64. Retrieved from




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