The distance-information interaction in the “Kozirev space”


  • Vlail Kaznacheev
  • Alexander Trofimov


human paleomemory, “Kozirev space”, human distance-information communications, information signals, psychophysiological testing, head brain semispheres asymmetry, time internal perception


It is described the psychophysiological in the “Kozirev space” human perception of holograms, which contain information about cosmic objects: galaxies with different characteristics6 cultural-historical monuments of different civilizations and epochs. The holograms with the functional-regulation information are also tested. The degree of the modern man paleinformation sensibility and the measure of the human “paleomemory” disclosure were valued by the following parameters: the time perception dynamics6 the heart chronal regime changes6 he head brain electric activity, the skin absorption of light, the gas discharge visualization, the effectivity of the human distance-information communications and interaction with “cells civilizations”.


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How to Cite

Kaznacheev, V., & Trofimov, A. (2006). The distance-information interaction in the “Kozirev space”. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 6(4), 5–15. Retrieved from




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