A man and other water systems into hypo- geomagnetic field: evolutional, prognostic and preventive aspects of the problem


  • Alexander Trofimov


geomagnetic field, physiological parameters, geomagnetic deprivation, helioprotective water


In the modeled short-term weakening of the geomagnetic field significant associations of the functional activity of the human brain, its psycho-physiological parameters, intellectual and creative processes with genetic markers (genes D4 and B1) and cosmophysical situation in the pre-and postnatal ontogenesis are revealed: organism sensitivity to non-visualized holographic information of cosmogonic content increases. Secular excursions of the geomagnetic field during the periods of decreasing of its induction may be able to increase the measure of biosystems opening, showing “heliophysical expression” of human genes and uncovering individual cosmophile reserves. At prolonged staying of a man in the nature weakened geomagnetic field unanticipated until present day evolutionarily significant consequences may develop. Regular use of helioprotective water media for drinking after their hypogeomagnetic - holographic processing can become an important element of geo-environmental life support of a man at his adaptation to weak-energetic changes of cosmoplanetary situation.


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How to Cite

Trofimov, A. (2015). A man and other water systems into hypo- geomagnetic field: evolutional, prognostic and preventive aspects of the problem. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 15(3), 31–39. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/158




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