Curvilinear motions by inertia and the Coulomb Law


  • Valentine Oleinik


curvilinear (accelerated) motions by inertia, Coulomb's law, the center of mass oscillations of solar system


It is proved that there is a special kind of motion of material bodies by inertia, dropped out of the field of view of classical mechanics, — the curvilinear (accelerated) motions by inertia. This kind of motion is of fundamental importance in nature. It is caused by the fact that the motions above are performed in the absence of any energy expenditure and for this reason they lead to the occurrence of the most stable states of physical systems. The form of the law of the force action between the particles is shown to essentially depend upon many factors — upon the state of relative motion of particles, the motion state of the center of mass, the processes of energy transfer from one degree of freedom of the system to the other. It is evident from the analysis of these relationships that it is impossible in principle to specify a single, universal formula for the force of interaction between particles. The Coulomb law of the force is an approximate one, it is of a phenomenological character. As an application of the curvilinear motion by inertia conception developed here, the solar system motion is considered. It is shown that, because of the curvilinear inertia of the planet and the Sun, the center of mass of the system in its motion along the trajectory in space oscillates, alternatively coming nearer to the curvature center of the trajectory and then moving away from it. The period of oscillations coincides with the period of motion of the planet around the Sun, and the amplitude is proportional to eccentricity of the planet orbit. Center of mass of the solar system performs a complex non-harmonic oscillation, which is a superposition of harmonic oscillations generated by the motion of each of the planets around the Sun. The detection of oscillations of the center of mass of solar system in astronomical observations would confirm the existence of curvilinear inertia in nature.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2012). Curvilinear motions by inertia and the Coulomb Law. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 12(3), 34–39. Retrieved from




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