The mathematical principles of the first Universe and alive matter
Great Explosion, Universe, evolution, alive matter, alive cell, topologyAbstract
We suppose that our Universe sprang according to the Cayley algebra. The Great Nothing is described by this algebra (no having any representation). But it may be enclosed into the Heisenberg algebra (the enclosing is not homomorphism). A new physical substance, called pre-matter (or bi-Hamiltonian matter), is underlain the latter. Our Universe has consisted of this kind of matter in its zero cycle. After the Big Bang that is identified with the total irreversible quantum transition, taking place in the bi-Hamiltonian matter, the fundamental particles were arisen. It is shown that after the so called de Sitter’s stage of Universe extension our space was in phase of the Bohr compact (space firm). Formation of alive cells were connected with this phase state of our space.
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