On the physics of the atomic electrons orbit quantization


  • Rudolf Beltzov
  • I. Fedotkin


atom, electron, positron, superfluidity


Experimental coherence length of virtual electron-positron pairs ?0 more than classical size of the electron, and when it moves on the atomic orbits is formed Josephson effect, the superfluid current depending on the difference of the wave functions at the transition. Quantization of electron orbits is the periodic excitation particle-antiparticle of an electron on the Josephson junction with subsequent minimizing potential connection (±?U).


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How to Cite

Beltzov, R., & Fedotkin, I. (2013). On the physics of the atomic electrons orbit quantization. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 13(4), 56–59. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/96




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