On the duality of information and entropy of cosmic horizons and horizons of black holes


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


black hole, Hubble radius, entropy of black hole, information, space horizon, wave function, Gibbs distribution, thermodynamics


At the event horizon of a black hole or cosmic horizon with the Hubble radius amount of entropy coincides with the number of information cells in Planck units of action. It follows a relativity of definition of information or entropy for observers located inside or outside the horizon. It is introduced the wave function of the event hori-zon. It is proposed the Schrodinger equation for the event horizon. Using a standard distribution Gibbs it is con-sidered the thermodynamics of black hole horizon. It is shown that the entropy of black holes makes a small contribution to the information content of the Universe.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2015). On the duality of information and entropy of cosmic horizons and horizons of black holes. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 15(1), 25–28. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/57




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