The cosmophysical intellectual hologram in the modeled “Kozirev space”


  • Vlail Kaznacheev
  • Alexander Trofimov


“Kozirev mirrors”, distant information transmission, energy-information hologram, alive matter


It is described the experiments on the distant translation o information, presented on a film and connected with the 28 objects of the geological, biological and artificial origination. The information transmission was produced using the laser technology in “Kozirev mirror”. It was detected that under the phase transitions in photoemulsion6 occurred in the “Kozirev space”, it is possible the reproduction of information, produced by material objects, which are the withesses of different epochs and cultures. This information was perceived by people, remoted on the dozens kilometers from the mentioned objects. At the same time the polygraph reproduction information was not perceived. Under the experiments in the “Kozirev mirror” space it was observed a set of unusual optical effects, registrated on a film, including the phenomenon of the metal mirrors temporary transparentness.


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How to Cite

Kaznacheev, V., & Trofimov, A. (2006). The cosmophysical intellectual hologram in the modeled “Kozirev space”. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 6(3), 4–12. Retrieved from




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