The Velocity of Light: from Zero to Infinity


  • Yuri Arepjev


information, velocity of light, superlight communication


The advancement of communication systems, ensuring the obtaining and processing data, raises necessary the question of increasing the information rate, the upper limit of which, on the base of the present-day knowledge, cannot exceed the velocity of light in vacuum. Recently, researches from many countries undertake the persistent attempts to overcome (if it is possible) this limit. The purpose of this review is acquainting the specialists, working in the sphere of communication facilities, with the modern problematics of speed light control, and representing the state of affairs as regards “superluminal” investigation at the present moment.


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How to Cite

Arepjev, Y. (2003). The Velocity of Light: from Zero to Infinity. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 3(2), 36–55. Retrieved from


