The origin of positrons in the Galactic Centre and model of the Nucleus of the Galaxy


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


Galactic Centre, Sagittarius A*, SPI/INTEGRAL, positrons, annihilation, electron-positron pair


The origin of a stream of positrons in the centre of the Galaxy with intensity 1043s-1, giving an annihilation line at 0.511 MeV, remains not clear. Neither disintegration of dark matter, nor accretion on a black hole can not generate such stream. Moreover, supervisions show absence gas accretion on the Nucleus of the Galaxy. Since the zone of annihilation of positrons surrounds the Nucleus of the Galaxy evenly, that excludes an asymmetric radiation as jets, the new model of the Nucleus is offered. Proceeding from the theory of perturbations of Higgs' vacuum by M.Yu.Khlopov, the Nucleus of the Galaxy, which weight it is unusually small (~10-3) in comparison with weights of nuclei of similar galaxies, is considered not as a supermassive black hole, but as a stable relict of perturbations of the primary vacuum, remained after the Big Bang and not collapsed by this time. It also allows to describe an observable stream of positrons as consequence of quantum radiation electron-positron pairs with intensity of one pair for Plank's time (I=(e++e-)/tPl) from the Nucleus of the Galaxy, which temperature makes T≈109.5K at radius R≈1,2·1012sm and at mass MNG≈4·106M0. The obtained intensity of radiation precisely coincides with experimental data SPI/INTEGRAL on annihilation of positrons. It is shown that parameters of the Nucleus of the Galaxy are not accidental, and it provides its constancy and stability during ~1014years. There are considered the possibilities of supervision of radiation of similar sources, the majority from which can be observed on z=3.5÷10 with the radiation of other elementary particles.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2010). The origin of positrons in the Galactic Centre and model of the Nucleus of the Galaxy. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 10(2), 46–51. Retrieved from




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