The Scope of the Theory of Relativity Is Limited by Classical Point Particle. On the nonequivalence of inertial reference frames


  • Valentine Oleinik


nonequivalence of inertial reference frames, the principle of relativity, the theory of relativity, dynamic principle, global and local time, dynamic inhomogeneity of time, the relative course of time, control of the course of time


A detailed analysis of the nonequivalence problem of inertial frames of reference (IFR) moving relative to each other in respect to both classical and quantum physical systems is given. The essence of the problem is that the times which enter into the equations of motion in various IFR can differ from those which enter into Lorentz transformations connecting space and time coordinates of the reference frames. The above mentioned distinction disappears only in the case of the most simple physical system — the classical point particle interacting with a force field, and for this reason the field of applicability of the special theory of relativity is reduced to classical one-partial system. It is shown that global time cannot be constructed of the local times which are formed from global time when going over from one reference frame to another. Strict consideration of the nonequivalence problem of IFR is given in the case of quantum particle. The results obtained as to the nonequivalence problem of IFR can be checked in experiments on emission of photons by electronic beam in external electromagnetic field. The relationship between global times in different IFR moving relative to each other in the case of classical point particle is derived. The phenomenon of local dynamic inhomogeneity of time, arising when classical particle moves in a force field, is discussed. It is noted that in relativistic mechanics the force is not only the cause of acceleration of particle relative to IFR, but also the cause of change of the course of time along the particle trajectory. Therein lies the physical content of the dynamic principle underlying relativistic mechanics. According to the received results, within the framework of one-partial approach the Lorentz reduction of length follows from the Lorentz transformations merely under the assumption that classical point particle is capable of moving on trajectory at superluminal speed.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2006). The Scope of the Theory of Relativity Is Limited by Classical Point Particle. On the nonequivalence of inertial reference frames. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 6(2), 20–42. Retrieved from




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