Solution to the Dirac problem: the physical consequences


  • Valentine Oleinik


the Dirac problem, incompleteness of Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics, curvilinear motions by inertia, induced electric and magnetic charges, a qualitatively new mechanism for the bound state formation of two particles, cold nuclear fusion as a consequence of curvilinear motions by inertia


Physical consequences of the solution to the problem, formulated by P.A.M.Dirac more than 50 years ago [1-4], are discussed. According to our results on the Dirac problem, presented in [5-7], the reason for the difficulties of electrodynamics is the incompleteness of Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics. Incompleteness of the theory derives from the fact that a huge class of motions of material particles, which we call the curvilinear motions by inertia (CMI), dropped out of the field of view of the conventional approach. In the conventional formulation of the theory, some restrictions (bans) are imposed on the motions of particles, which are not consistent with the basic laws of nature - the laws of dialectics and do not follow from experimental data. These restrictions have played in physics a role of heavy chains that have led physics, to a great extent, to the current crisis. The CMI (curvilinear motions by inertia) are natural generalizations of the inertial motions, defined by the Galilee inertia principle, to the case of motions along curved paths. These motions fell out of the field of view of Newtonian scheme of mechanics because of motion restrictions used in the scheme. On the particle, moving by inertia with acceleration, a force acts (we call it the inertia force) which in contrast to the Newtonian inertial force does not depend on the external force acting on particle on the part of its environment. Because the accelerated motions of particles can be not only the forced motions caused by an external force but also the inertial motions, the interaction force between the particles does not obey the Coulomb law. For this reason, the equations of motion of electromagnetic field significantly differ from the Maxwell equations. On the basis of the CMI of classical particle and without using the hypothesis of the existence of electrical charges that create the Coulomb field, the electromagnetic field equations are obtained. Classical particles moving along a curved path by inertia are shown to generate the induced electric and magnetic charges. Their peculiarity consists in that they are not localized on the particle generating electromagnetic field, but are distributed, «smeared» in the region of space in which the particle moves with acceleration by inertia. Contrary to generally accepted ideas, the laws of Newton underlying the classical mechanics are applicable only to macroscopic bodies, which are subject to the condition that the force field generated by body has the properties of an external field. Due to the existence of the CMI, the individual particles do not satisfy this condition. For this reason, their behavior can not be described by the Newton laws. In particular, contrary to the second Newton’s law, the individual particles can move by inertia with acceleration in the absence of external force. It follows from the results obtained that there exists a qualitatively new model of atom in which the bound state of classical particles is ensured by inertial forces acting on the particles moving by inertia with acceleration rather than by the Coulomb forces. The mechanism of formation of bound state of two particles due to the curvilinear motion of particles by inertia explains the phenomenon of cold nuclear fusion (CNF), which can not be explained within the framework of standard theory because of its incompleteness. Solution of the Dirac problem based on the CMI can be a turning point in the development of physics. Removing unjustified restrictions on the motion and practical mastering the CMI will give a powerful impetus to the development of science and technology, leading to the construction of a new physical picture of the world and the creation of qualitatively new technologies in the field of energy, transport, communications.


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How to Cite

Oleinik, V. (2016). Solution to the Dirac problem: the physical consequences. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 16(1), 44–55. Retrieved from




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