Consciousness and physical universe


  • A.V. Bukalov International Institute of Socionics


consciousness, physical vacuum, computer, quantum calculations and correlations, religion


A principle of equivalence between computing and quantum processes in physical vacuum has been formulated. It is shown that the universal vacuum if treated as a conglomerate of relativist fields can be perceived as a giant computing system controlling the movement of micro-particles and macro bodies (planets, stars, etc.). Similar physical processes occur in the semiconductor crystals of the processors of modern computers, on the basis of which they are trying to build systems with intelligence. As an analogue of macro-computer, the Universe in total inevitably possesses the attributes of consciousness and intelligence, its apart subsystems interact with human consciousness and find their interpretation within the framework of religious beliefs.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2001). Consciousness and physical universe. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 1(1). Retrieved from


