The equations of General Relativity as equations of gravitational superconductivity and geometric quantization of the gravitational flow


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


superconducting cosmology, gravitation, time, fermions, dark energy, general relativity


The cosmological model with superconductivity (CMS), proposed by the author, makes it possible to obtain the observed value of the density of dark energy. From CMS follows also the system of equations for gravitational-fermionic superconductivity, which includes the equations of general relativity for primary fermions with Planck mass, supplemented by quantum equations. From the gravitational equations of superconductivity, describing the motion of the primary fermions, follows the quantization of the gravitational flow, which has a geometric nature. For a black hole the number of quanta of gravitational flow corresponds to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The presence of dark matter in the coronas of galaxies can be explained by the existence of macroscopic gravitational vortex of superfluid condensate of paired primary fermions.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2025). The equations of General Relativity as equations of gravitational superconductivity and geometric quantization of the gravitational flow. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 17(3-4), 18–20. Retrieved from




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