Physics of consciousness and its model may provide guidelines to solve many scientific problems including quantum enigma


  • A. De
  • Dhananjay Pal


Void, Universal mind (UM), Consciousness energy (E), Thought Force (TF), TF(micro), TF(macro), Thought-carrying particles (TCP), Thought retaining particles TRP), Planck Energy, Quantized universal Consciousness Energy(ET), Space-time continuum (STC), Uni


Consciousness model assuming TCP (thought-carrying particle) and TRP (thought retaining particle) may provide guidelines to solve many scientific problems including quantum enigma.


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How to Cite

De, A., & Pal, D. (2008). Physics of consciousness and its model may provide guidelines to solve many scientific problems including quantum enigma. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 8(1), 49–59. Retrieved from


