A brief proof of effect of disappearance or "melting" of black holes in the compressing Universe


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


black holes, Hubble radius, evolution of the universe, disappearance of black holes


In the oscillating Universe in the compression phase the reduction of the causal Hubble horizon cH-1 leads to a decrease and disappearance of black holes with gravitational radius Rg>cH-1 because gravitationally associated object cannot exist on as holistic physical object, if it is larger than the radius of the relativistic causality. The universe can move to compression mode, for example, in the decay of modern dark energy or vacuum to gravitating matter and radiation.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2014). A brief proof of effect of disappearance or "melting" of black holes in the compressing Universe. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 14(2), 4–6. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/39


