The abnormal variation of the ?-decay intensity during the eclipse on the 29th of March 2006


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


?-decay, eclipse, abnormal radioactivity change, transaction quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, solar radiation, Y-radiation


It is shown the results of the ?-decay intensity measuring under the eclipse on the 29th of March 2006. On the 8.3 minutes before the observed eclipse maximum it was registrated the abnormal (8%) increase of the ?-decay intensity. The mentioned intensity increase by 4% was registrated on he moment of the eclipse maximum. The obtained results can be explained by the existence of the unknown kind of the solar Y-radiation, which rises under the nuclear processes in Sun and acts on the others nuclear processes in space. Under this action the four-dimensions standing Y-field wave is the superposition of the forestalling and delayed components, analogically the R. Feynman-J. Wheeler electrodynamics and the J. Kramer transacting description of quantum mechanics. The forestalling component detected action for the local observer is equivalent to the “momentary action on distance” and connected with the abnormal increase of the ?-decay intensity, occurred on the 8.3 minutes before the appearance of the observed delayed solar radiation.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2006). The abnormal variation of the ?-decay intensity during the eclipse on the 29th of March 2006. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 6(1), 35–38. Retrieved from




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