The experimental check of the special relativity theory truth with the use of the fiber optic gyroscope
relativity theory, opticsAbstract
During the recent time it was published a set of works, which prove that the Sagnac effect is connected with the “Luminiferous ether”. The nonadequateness of the Frenel and Stocks ether models, created in the before last century, was shown long ago, but recently it was proposed a new model, which proves that the ether penetrates through metals hardly, what provides to explain the negation results of the Michelson-Morley experiments. According to this model the ether has to be entrained by the metal case of the fibrous optical gyroscope, what causes the output signal decrease under the constancy of the rotation angle speed. But the corresponding measurements results showed the expected effect absence with perfect accuracy, what is the additional confirmation of the special relativity theory truth.
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