Solution to the problem of dark energy and the energy of the vacuum in a cosmological model with superconductivity


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


gravity, superfluid gas, fermions, evolution of the universe, dark energy, vacuum energy, black hole


Consideration of the formation of a superfluid system of fermions Planck mass allows to solve the problem of the cosmological constant and the vacuum energy. The obtained value of the dark energy density ρDE=6.09·10-27кг/м3 is in a good agreement with PLANK. The dynamics of formation of fermion condensate describes the process of dynamic evolution of the universe, and the cosmological time parameter is described by the function of phase transition. It is shown that black holes can also be regarded as a special form of the Planck mass fermion condensate. There are proposed the criterion of stability of such a condensate and conditions of its rapid destruction, i.e. evaporation of black holes.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2015). Solution to the problem of dark energy and the energy of the vacuum in a cosmological model with superconductivity. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 14(1), 5–14. Retrieved from


