On the electrodynamical descriptions of the classical gravitation theory and general relativity


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


gravitation theory, Newton gravitation constant, electrodynamics, Coulomb law, CPT-symmetry destruction, general relativity


It was used the formula, obtained earlier by the author, for the Newton gravitational constant, which is dependent on the thin structure constant and the square of electron mass. On the base of this formula it was obtained the electrodynamical one, equivalent to the Newton gravitation law and identical to the Coulomb law with the fixed coefficient. Thus the gravitation mechanism can be explained as the consequence of the weak destruction of the symmetry between the positive and negative electric charges. It causes the possibility of the CPT-symmetry destruction and its connection with gravitation. The electrodynamical description of the Einstein gravitation theory (GR) leads us to the understanding of the gravitation mechanism, space-time curvature and the inner elementary domain structure of the Minkovsky plane space-time.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2005). On the electrodynamical descriptions of the classical gravitation theory and general relativity. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 5(1), 43–50. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/343


