Determination of the Hubble parameter exact value


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


quantum cosmology, vacuum of the Universe, harmonic oscillator, circular oscillation frequency, Hubble parameter


The formula, obtained under the Universe quantum description, connects the values of the Universe mass and Hubble parameter H0 and allows to calculate them. Exact value of the Hubble’s parameter was determined as H0=68.658 ±0.1 km·s?1·Mpc?1, that is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. Product G·MU changes proportionally to the Hubble time change: G·MU~t, which follows from the obtained formula. The discretion and limitation of energy of the Universe eliminates the lambda-problem, and calculated density of vacuum energy corresponds to the observed one.


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How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2004). Determination of the Hubble parameter exact value. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 4(1), 56–58. Retrieved from


