A reason for existence of one-dimension and irreversible time. Possible age of the Universe


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


cosmology, one-dimension time, irreversibility of time, age of the Universe, white hole, black hole, arrow of time


The representation of the observed Universe as an object inside a white or black hole, under the Schwarzschild sphere, allows to identify the observed physical time with an one-dimension gravitational radius, which is the part for the objects irreversible motion. It is a physical reason for existence of one-dimension and irreversible time in the Universe. The two possible values of the age of the Universe are discussed: 14,2 milliard years и 22,32 milliard years.

How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2002). A reason for existence of one-dimension and irreversible time. Possible age of the Universe. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2(4), 22–23. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/289


