The quantity of information in the alive organisms and energy of vacuum


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


biological ordering, information in alive organism, quantum of event, temporary quantum, biomass of the Universe, biomass of the Galaxy, cell, biosphere of the Earth, quantity of the biospheres in the Universe, thermodynamics, theory of information


It is shown that the known estimations of information quantity in the alive organisms do not take in account the dynamics properties of alive matter. The new formulae, obtained for estimation of quantity of information in the alive organisms, give the values, which are much more then previous ones. These results display the differences between the alive and the lifeless for the first time. It is shown, that the ordering of the alive organisms is determined by the value of total energy of Universe. It is given the estimate of quantity of the alive cells, the biospheres and total biomass, equal to the earthly ones in a typical galaxy and in the Universe as a whole.

How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2002). The quantity of information in the alive organisms and energy of vacuum. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2(2), 5–9. Retrieved from


