The exact value of the Hubble constant and the modes of evolution of the quantum Universe


  • Aleksandr Bukalov


quantum cosmology, vacuum of the Universe, harmonic oscillator, cyclic frequency of oscillation, Hubble constant


From the description of the Universe as a vacuum quantum harmonic oscillator it has been found the exact value of the Hubble constant H0=68,796 km s-1 Mpc-1, what is in good agreement with the experimental data. For the description of the evolution of the quantum Universe it has been suggested an equation, which particular case is the equation of the dynamics of the inflationary Universe. It has been considered a possible sequence of the four modes of evolution of the quantum Universe.

How to Cite

Bukalov, A. (2002). The exact value of the Hubble constant and the modes of evolution of the quantum Universe. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 2(1), 50–52. Retrieved from


