Social and demographic process as cosmoplanet disequilibrium


  • Vlail Kaznacheev


biosphere, noosphere, the Earth, living matter, information flows, ecology, mankind


Human problems are increasing rapidly and become more complex, the problem of mankind preserving becomes global, but its social decision more and more lags behind the reality of our evolution. It is more correct to use today the reverse Anthropic Principle by Carter (“observer” determines their own conditions of existence and development, but not vice versa). The global systems (satellite monitoring of the planet, tectonic information, the development of solar energy flows), responsible global centers for technical energy flows into the noosphere of the Earth, the responsibility of governments and companies for the destruction of the biosphere and its genetics, new research on the nature of living matter and intellect are necessary.


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How to Cite

Kaznacheev, V. (2016). Social and demographic process as cosmoplanet disequilibrium. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 16(1), 5–13. Retrieved from


