On the physical basis of the first and second laws of Newton's mechanics


  • Rudolf Beltzov
  • Aleksandr Bukalov
  • I. Fedotkin


wave function, physical vacuum, Bose-Einstein condensate


The origin of wave functions of observable particles with weight m is considered. It is defined by interaction of these particles with the Bose-Einstein condensate of particles-antiparticles of the physical vacuum. The physical processes leading to the first and second laws of Newton’s mechanics are described. For a moving particle with weight m there are the Meissner effect and Josephson junction on it, if the particle size is less than length the coherence length. Thus on the particle it is arises the superfluid current of the particles-antiparticles of physical vacuum with chemical potential N?s. Josephson junction by a particle in the condensate determines the quantization energy of the particles, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.


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How to Cite

Beltzov, R., Bukalov, A., & Fedotkin, I. (2010). On the physical basis of the first and second laws of Newton’s mechanics. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 10(4), 23–31. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/222




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