Results of continuous monitoring of the Bio-Astronomical phenomenon of Chizevskiy-Velkhover


  • Elena Gromozova
  • T. Kachur
  • S. Voychuk
  • P. Grigoryev


metachromasy reaction, volutin grains, microorganisms, ultrarays, cosmophysical factors


The paper provides an analysis of data of metachromasy reaction resulting from a decade of daily monitoring of staining of yeasts volutin grains with methylene blue under standard laboratory conditions. During 9 years (from 2001 to 2009) of observations the direct monotonic correlation between the response of metachromasy and intensity of cosmic rays was marked. The results of observations in 2010 showed differ, from the previous years, tendencies in the reaction and possess no correlation with the known Cosmo-physical factors.


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How to Cite

Gromozova, E., Kachur, T., Voychuk, S., & Grigoryev, P. (2010). Results of continuous monitoring of the Bio-Astronomical phenomenon of Chizevskiy-Velkhover. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 10(4), 12–14. Retrieved from


