A solar eclipse on 26.01.2009 simultaneous observations using superlight torsion balances and a paraconic pendulum


  • A. Pugach
  • D. Olenichi
  • D. Vorob’ev
  • S. Kuz’kov
  • V. P. Kuz’kov
  • M. M. Medvedskii


solar eclipse, superlight torsion balances, paraconic pendulum, gravitational constant


For the first time simultaneous observations over reaction of two extralight torsion balances (Kiev, Ukraine) and a paraconic pendulum (Suceava, Romania) are spent during a partial solar eclipse on January, 26th, 2009. Significant correlation between indications of two torsion balances and a paraconic pendulum removed on distance of 440 km is found out. Prior to the eclipse and after the phenomenon termination the correlation was absent. The conclusion that a solar eclipse serves as a factor determining reaction of torsion balances and a pendulum is received.


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How to Cite

Pugach, A., Olenichi, D., Vorob’ev, D., Kuz’kov, S., Kuz’kov, V. P., & Medvedskii, M. M. (2010). A solar eclipse on 26.01.2009 simultaneous observations using superlight torsion balances and a paraconic pendulum. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 10(2), 52–58. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/201


