On XXI century physics as the theory of the three-unity CWI-metabolism


  • Jacob Dubrov


secvent chronotop, Everett-Delsarte worlds, information energy, coat-wave-information physics


The article deals with the philosophical and cultural prefaces — entropy principal in the uniform space, plurality of universes, informational contact, the forth time measurement — physics-mathematical models of dissimilar (secvent) space-time are proposed; worlds of Everett-Delsarte , spiral time etc., which in the complex with the help of particular reduction of three-unity philosophy form the main elements of coat-wave-information (CWI) physics (punphysics), one of its notions is informational energy. In the frames of punphysics connections between mass, secvention and information and also interactions between these notions are built.


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How to Cite

Dubrov, J. (2010). On XXI century physics as the theory of the three-unity CWI-metabolism. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 10(1), 20–29. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/191


